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How To Guide

How To Look After Yourself During Isolation

With nearly all of us making the switch from our morning commute to working from the comfort of our own homes, it can be tough to get into a routine and push on through this uncertain time.

Aside from actually working whilst we’re at home during this period, it’s also really important to take care of ourselves, maintain a consistent routine and keep our positive thoughts flowing. Here are the daily things we're doing during this period of isolation, and things you should do too!

Get up early

Just because you have extra time in the morning doesn’t mean you should waste it in bed! Get up, get showered and get ready for the day. It’s easy to roll out of bed at 8.55 am, but taking this extra time to revisit hobbies you love is a great way to set yourself up for a productive day. We love virtual mindfulness exercises via apps such as Headspace - meditation does wonders for your productiveness!

Make a healthy and nutritious breakfast

Take time to make yourself something delicious - we need to keep our immune systems fighting fit! Plus, enjoying food is really important when you’re at home all day. Try looking up new recipes and experimenting a little more - pimp your porridge, transform your toast and have a bit of fun! Baking is also really therapeutic, so roll your sleeves up and get stuck in.

Get moving!

Whether it’s morning yoga or a lunchtime home workout, it’s important to keep our bodies moving and not slouch in the living room for hours on end. Exercise releases endorphins too, boosting our happy hormones and putting us in a great mindset for the day.

We've been enjoying virtual Hire Space workout sessions led by one of our Co-Founders, Will! We highly recommend starting these with your team, friends or family - it keeps you fit and it keeps you socialising too.

If you can, try and do some exercise after work too: it can be difficult to switch off if you're in the same environment you've been working in all day. Going for an evening walk helps you mentally switch off and will help you sleep better, too.

Work in a different space to where you relax

Psychologically it’s much easier to get in a working mindset if we recreate our usual work environment, so sit at a table or desk and not on the sofa or in bed.

Setting up your workspace with things you'd have on your desk at work will help you compartmentalise your workspace from your living space. For example, set up your desk each morning with a pen and paper, laptop and charging cable, glass of water and anything else you need for the day ahead. We like to have plenty of natural daylight in our workspace, oh and some plants too :)

Stay Social

Whether that’s a morning tea break video chat or just chatting throughout the day, talking to friends, family and colleagues is crucial and will keep your motivation levels up. We've started a whole-team video call dubbed the 'Hire Space Breakfast Cook-Along' - it certainly makes our breakfast times more entertaining (if you think everyone looks great eating on camera, you're wrong!)

Try and have a call with a friend or family member at least once a day - we are social beings and therefore social interaction is hugely important for our wellbeing and to keep us sane. Why not try a virtual quiz or game such as charades?! Or perhaps virtual wine tasting...

During this period of self isolation, it can be easy to feel anxious and lose our sense of self and purpose. We think this is a great opportunity to pick up a new hobby, learn a language, workout and get through that to-do list that was put aside for a rainy day!

At Hire Space, we're also huge advocates of Sanctus - they're great to talk to and are there to listen to any anxiety or concerns you may be experiencing.


If you’re concerned about COVID-19 and its effects on the events industry, we want to help you and your business through this difficult period. Please just get in touch with any questions and we'll do our best to help.

We've written a guide on how to create a virtual event and have developed a live streaming service to help events professionals through this uncertain time. Just contact us at contact@hirespace.com to find out more.

We've also created a platform to keep you up-to-date with all the latest Coronavirus news, as well as the latest useful industry responses to the ongoing pandemic.





Author Izzie Lachecki profile image

Izzie Lachecki

Izzie brings a deep understanding of the events world to Hire Space, and keeps busy by writing lots of Hire Space and EventLAB content and managing the Hire Space social media presence.

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